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Personal Profile


Originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Dr. Sigrid Karlstrom enjoys a career as violist, chamber musician and teacher based in the New Haven, CT area. Her interest in contemporary works and works by underrepresented composers culminated in a 2020 album of pieces for viola and piano by the American composers Vivian Fine and Miriam Gideon, titled "Cracking the Glass." From 2013-2017, she played as a tenured member of the New Mexico Philharmonic, also working during this time as assistant principal viola for Opera Southwest and chamber musician for the Chatter Chamber Series. Sigrid graduated with on full merit scholarship with a doctoral degree from The Hartt School in 2019, studying under Rita Porfiris. 


Sigrid possesses a great love for teaching and is an active individual and group instructor for all ages and abilities. She is currently a music reviewer for the American String Teacher's Association Journal, and is published in the Suzuki Association of the Americas Journal. Her 15 years of teaching experience include lessons for children, teens, and adults through the Neighborhood Music School, Suzuki School of Westport, Eugene Youth Symphony Program, and University of New Mexico Lab School.


Sigrid’s teacher training is extensive and encompasses the pedagogies of Shinichi Suzuki, Ivan Galamian, Michiko Yurko, Paul Rolland, and John Kendall. She completed Suzuki long-term training, violin books 1-10, with Susan Kempter at the University of New Mexico and later finished additional long-term training (violin books 1-6) with Christie Felsing at The Hartt School. She also registered short-term viola training, books 2-7, with Elizabeth Stuen-Walker.

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