Sigrid Karlstrom
Violinist and Violist
Suzuki and Traditional Teacher

Suzuki Method
What is the Suzuki Method?
Mother Tongue Method
Parent Involvement
Group Classes
Common Repertoire
Mother Tongue Method

Children learn their language by imitation.
How do children in each country manage to speak their difficult language perfectly?
By imitation.
The Suzuki method uses this same principle to help teach difficult instruments. If students listen to the Suzuki CD daily, one element of learning music (the perception of how the melody "goes") is mastered with no extra effort.
Violin and viola can also be learned by imitation!
Parent Involvement
Want your child to succeed in school, get better grades, have better social interactions, etc?
Get involved.
That's what research says, and the Suzuki method is a great way to put this into action because parent involvement in practice and lessons is required. That means parents sit in every lesson, take notes on the lesson, and then guide their child's practice each day. Parents are responsible for playing the CD each day for their child. It's not easy, but it's part of creating a great future for your child.
Group Classes
The research-supported and wide-ranging benefits of parental involvement
Children are motivated by and learn from their peers, at some ages even more than from the adults in their lives.
This is the reason for Suzuki group class.
Group class provides an environment to learn and have fun, to enjoy time with other children who also play an instrument, and to have experience playing in an ensemble setting.
Common Repertoire
Common repertoire means we can all play together, like having a common language. It fosters community among music students and a sense of belonging.
Children learn from and want to imitate their peers
Suzuki students (all from different countries) at a Suzuki World Conference. They have a common language!